Friday, August 24, 2012

Police constables or company workers

                              Police constables or company workers ??

       I don't want to blame the entire police department and police constables in states and nation, but wanted to describe their problems and share my thoughts about  their great work at the same time their irresponsible work.  

                  Above pic is clicked when two police constables are taking tips from SP MLA in Uttar Pradesh. 

Lets look into the above incident. SP MLA from Uttar Pradesh got bail from jail and two constables were following MLA's Innova car to ask tip when he was coming out of jail in Uttar Pradesh and each one of them got Rs.500/ from MLA's daughter. If we see the video it looks like they are behaving like company workers and   begging money for their service. So it is clear that police constables in jail used  to ask tip and get money from prisoners whenever they are released, whenever they do service and co-operate to prisoners in jail. 

Do you think asking tip is not illegal activity and getting tip from accused wont cause anything to public and laws?  when we think as business man yes incident is right and these activities are acceptable but when we think as public and victim of accused these activities are illegal and against laws. 

I have been experiencing same behavior with police constables. if they stop  for verification of driving licence docs, they wont verify docs properly, instead  they will ask you to pay tip amount to leave you. if you go to police station they will ask you to pay some amount to get release from station without case, if you complain against any one they don't take any action until you pay all expenses for them. they will try to earn money in all possible ways. no one has respect on police constables and they are cheap too public.

Why they do ? is it because of less salary? for my opinion it is not bcz there are many govts dept where employee's salaries are less than police that it is due to lack of transparency in higher police officials and in police dept. bribing and corruption are not illegal to them , they are not afraid of suspending from duties due to taking bribe. their officer earning money illegally, they are also following same principles, for higher officials customers are from hifive category , for police constables , customers are from middle class and they are taking tips and bribe very less compare to their officers, so they don't feel shame or irresponsible in these activities. they will always try to earn money even in cheap manner. 

That is all one side. We still should not forget their service to our society and public

  1. They are protecting us by killing them self. 
  2. They are keeping us safe side even though they are beaten by protesters. 
  3. They work for society and they dies for society. 
  4. Real care takers of our society and public.
  5. If we take leave due to bandh, they dont take and they will  try to keep bandh silence.
  6. They forget their family a long period to serve to public and public servants.
They are torturing by their officers and  treating as labor's by officers. officers are misusing them for their personal work and  family works. they are fun for officer's kids. they cant fight against them due to job. so finally they are still working as police constables. 

My dear police constables please keep your self respect and dont do cheap activities. we still have respect on you, we need your service. we are all with you just fight against stupid officers....

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